winefile: switch to UNICODE mode

Martin Fuchs martin-fuchs at
Mon Jun 20 15:17:29 CDT 2005

switch winefile to UNICODE mode

Why did I declare a new macro $(PREINCL) and insert it into ?
To allow inserting the include directory <include/msvcrt> before <include>.
Another way would be to change the following line in and move 
$(EXTRAINCL) before -I$(TOPSRCDIR)/include:


Why did I remove the following from include/tchar.h?

#if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(_MBCS)
#error You must use msvcrt when building in Unicode/MBCS mode

Because it's just crazy - a few lines later _UNICODE and _MBCS are used to 
build the A/W mapping macros:

 * tchar mappings
#ifndef _UNICODE
#  ifndef _MBCS
#    include <string.h>
#    define WINE_tchar_routine(std,mbcs,unicode) std
#  else
#    include <mbstring.h>
#    define WINE_tchar_routine(std,mbcs,unicode) mbcs
#  endif
#else /* _UNICODE */
#  include <wchar.h>
#  define WINE_tchar_routine(std,mbcs,unicode) unicode

If _UNICODE and _MBCS would not be allowed to be used in <tchar.h> at all, 
what would be the sense of the whole file?

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