unix filenames in notepad

Michael Lin mlin at corvu.com.au
Wed May 4 20:06:06 CDT 2005

Hi Michael, > Oops, as you see I'm undecided  ;)  (Anyway, this probably 
should be GNU ;)

> However, in the final version I would like this to appear not at all in the 
> shell namespace, anyway. I think it would be nice if the '/' appears beside 
> the wine drive letters under 'My Computer'.

I have been extending your work to integrate shfldr_unixfs more with open file 
dialog. I am modifying open file dialog to accept typed in unix path and 
through validation checks as well
I have also fixed a bug in shfldr_unixfs and extend IPersistFolder to 

I know you are working on this area as well, so maybe we should coordinate our
effort so that there is no duplicate work.

I know there will be issues of Windows APIs won't accept unix file path.
But at this point, I just want to extend open file dialog optionally accept and 
return a unix file path.

The flag to turn unix path on or off can be in the registry, or simply a extended
flag that was passed in to OPENFILENAME struct.

Michael Lin

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