Commercial support

Brian Vincent brian.vincent at
Sat May 7 08:48:24 CDT 2005

On 5/7/05, Tom Wickline <twickline at> wrote:
> The "Wine Party Fund" is listed as a non-profit charity in the state
> of Minnesota

When did this happen?  I'm pretty sure it's not unless it some how
happened over the past few months.  We've discussed it before, but
always decided the amount of paperwork isn't worth it.  I'm sure
Steven can tell us how bad it sucks.

With regard to the rest of the page, I took a stab at starting it the
other night.  Including a list of support companies is just one aspect
of it.  Anyway, I fully intend to list some companies that can do
support and include a few paragraphs discussing that process.  I'm not
going to tell them it'll cost $10,000 either, or even $100.  We're a
free software development community and that implies some level of
trust.  Plus, if you want to support Wine (or, IMHO, any piece of
software) you're &*(@ing crazy.

If anyone thinks that sucks, then feel free to beat me to it and write
the page.


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