Extending File Dialog to include unix file paths [4/4]

Michael Lin mlin at corvu.com.au
Sun May 15 21:01:45 CDT 2005

Hi Michael,

Our work on this topic basically have the same goal but slightly 
different approach.
We both want to extend the file dialog to include unix file path without 
changing the
current behaviour for current user if they don't want unix file path.
I believe our patchs should be merged to provide a common solution.

There are only 2 differences in our approach. The major differences 
being how the
modified behaviour should be activated. You chose registry setting while 
I chose
compiler flag. The 2nd difference being converting unix path back to dos 

As discussed before, I think there are 3 solutions to ask the file 
dialog to display
unix paths.

First solution is use a flag in the registry. I did not implement this 
approach because
it is a global setting. This setting will be for all native Windows 
application running on
Wine as well as all winelib applications. Most likely, windows 
application running on
wine will want to see dos paths such as c:\my document etc. I thought 
about providing
functions that add/remove registry key and let winelib application add 
the registry key
as it starts up and remove it as the application shuts down. But this 
still won't handle the
case when winelib application crash. Also you will run into problem when 
you want to
run Windows application on wine that want dos paths and running a 
winelib application
that wants unix paths at the same time.

Second solution as I suggested before is to pass in an extension flag as 
an argument.
For example,  add OFN_UNIX_PATHS to Flags member of OPENFILENAME
struct to pass into GetOpenFileName(). This approach is reasonably 
clean, however
we will run into problems if Microsoft extends their flags to have the 
same value.

The last solution is what Troy Rollo suggested. A separate entry point 
with compiler
flags. I Chose this approach as most likely only winelib application 
will benefit from
true unix file path and it doesn't seens to have any other problems.

As with what path file dialog should return, well .. if you compile with 
a compiler
flag wanting a unix file dialog .. it should return unix paths.

We should expose conversion of unix to dos utility functions for easy 

As for just showing UnixFS shell folder and not  showing c and d drive 
etc .. I agree.
I just haven't get there yet.

Michael Lin

Michael Jung wrote:

>Hi all,
>please find attached my current work on this topic. It takes another approach 
>as Michael Lin's patches and in particular doesn't add any API.
>I've already send the smaller of the two patches to wine-patches, so it may 
>well be that this one is already applied when you try the patches.
>The general idea is as follows: If wine is not configured to show the unix 
>namespace in file dialogs, it behaves just as it does now. Otherwise, The 
>MyComputer shell folder does not display the FS shell folders (A:, B:, ..), 
>but the UnixFS shell folder (/) instead. Path names are converted from DOS to 
>Unix and back in MyComputer (the unix root '/' has to be accessible by some 
>DOS drive). This means that paths, which go in and out of the file open and 
>save dialog APIs, are always DOS paths.
>My patches are not ready yet for several reasons: 
>1.) I'm still patching SHGetPathFromIDList, which we probably shouldn't. 
>There's an article "How To Support Common Dialog Browsing in a Shell 
>Namespace Extension" on MSDN 
>(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;216954), which 
>basically states that starting from Win2K the file dialogs do no longer use 
>the SHGetPathFromIDList API, but call ShellFolder::GetDisplayName instead. So 
>that's probably the way to go.
>2.) It's still an open question how this should be configured in wine. In the 
>current version, I've added a global "ShowUnixFilesystem" key to the config 
>file (type is REG_SZ, define to "1" to display the unix namespace). 
>3.) I'm thinking about moving the unix<->dos conversion stuff into the 
>namespace extension (from MyComputer). So if the unix filesystem namespace 
>extension would be given a dos path to ParseDisplayName, we would convert to 
>unix and set a flag in the SHITEMIDs which tells us to convert back to dos in 
>GetDisplayName: Unix paths in, unix paths out. Dos paths in, dos paths out. 
>WineLib applications, which would like to call the posix file APIs can simply 
>call wine_get_unix_path_name on the path provided by the file dialogs.
>I tested the current version with regedit, notepad and virtualdub. Seems to 
>work fine. But I don't feel it's clean enough yet to be included in cvs.
>Let me know what you think about it.
>Index: dlls/shell32/pidl.c
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/shell32/pidl.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.130
>diff -u -p -r1.130 pidl.c
>--- dlls/shell32/pidl.c	10 May 2005 08:27:23 -0000	1.130
>+++ dlls/shell32/pidl.c	13 May 2005 07:44:35 -0000
>@@ -1328,8 +1328,32 @@ HRESULT SHELL_GetPathFromIDListW(LPCITEM
>     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
>     UINT len;
>+	IShellFolder *pDesktop;
>+	STRRET strPath;
>+	WCHAR *pwszPath;
>     pszPath[0]=0;
>+	/* Push the pidl to path conversion logic into shellfolder */	
>+	hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&pDesktop);
>+	if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
>+	hr = IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf(pDesktop, pidl, SHGDN_FORPARSING, &strPath);
>+	IShellFolder_Release(pDesktop);
>+	if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
>+	hr = StrRetToStrW(&strPath, pidl, &pwszPath);
>+	if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
>+	if (lstrlenW(pwszPath)+1 > uOutSize) {
>+		CoTaskMemFree(pszPath);
>+		return E_INVALIDARG;
>+	}
>+	lstrcpyW(pszPath, pwszPath);
>+	CoTaskMemFree(pszPath);
>+	return S_OK;
>+#if 0
>+    pszPath[0]=0;
>     /* One case is a PIDL rooted at desktop level */
>     if (_ILIsDesktop(pidl) ||_ILIsValue(pidl) || _ILIsFolder(pidl))
>     {
>@@ -1401,6 +1425,7 @@ HRESULT SHELL_GetPathFromIDListW(LPCITEM
>     TRACE_(shell)("-- %s, 0x%08lx\n", debugstr_w(pszPath), hr);
>     return hr;
> }
> /*************************************************************************
>Index: dlls/shell32/shfldr_mycomp.c
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/shell32/shfldr_mycomp.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.36
>diff -u -p -r1.36 shfldr_mycomp.c
>--- dlls/shell32/shfldr_mycomp.c	10 May 2005 08:28:11 -0000	1.36
>+++ dlls/shell32/shfldr_mycomp.c	13 May 2005 07:44:35 -0000
>@@ -50,6 +50,32 @@
>+static int show_unix_filesystem() {
>+	static int option_show_unix_filesystem = -1;
>+	if (option_show_unix_filesystem == -1) {
>+		static const WCHAR wszWineConfigKeyW[] = { 
>+			'S','o','f','t','w','a','r','e','\\','W','i','n','e','\\',
>+			'W','i','n','e','\\','C','o','n','f','i','g','\\','W','i','n','e',0 };
>+		static const WCHAR wszShowUnixFilesystemValueW[] = {
>+			'S','h','o','w','U','n','i','x','F','i','l','e','s','y','s','t','e','m',0 };
>+		HKEY hConfigKey;
>+		LONG result;
>+		DWORD dwValueType, dwLen = 2 * sizeof(WCHAR);
>+		WCHAR wszValueW[2];
>+		option_show_unix_filesystem = 0;
>+		result = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszWineConfigKeyW, 0, KEY_READ, &hConfigKey);
>+		if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) return option_show_unix_filesystem;
>+    	result = RegQueryValueExW(hConfigKey, wszShowUnixFilesystemValueW, 0, &dwValueType, 
>+						          (LPBYTE)wszValueW, &dwLen);
>+		if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwValueType == REG_SZ && dwLen >= 2 && wszValueW[0] == '1') 
>+			option_show_unix_filesystem = 1;
>+		RegCloseKey(hConfigKey);
>+	}
>+	return option_show_unix_filesystem;
> /***********************************************************************
> *   IShellFolder implementation
> */
>@@ -225,10 +251,31 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ISF_MyComputer_fnP
>     else if (PathGetDriveNumberW (lpszDisplayName) >= 0 &&
>               lpszDisplayName[2] == (WCHAR) '\\')
>     {
>-        szNext = GetNextElementW (lpszDisplayName, szElement, MAX_PATH);
>-        /* make drive letter uppercase to enable PIDL comparison */
>-        szElement[0] = toupper(szElement[0]);
>-        pidlTemp = _ILCreateDrive (szElement);
>+		if (show_unix_filesystem()) {
>+			WCHAR wszDrive[] = { 'A', ':', '\\', 0 };
>+			char *pszDriveSymlink, szUnixFileName[MAX_PATH];
>+			int cLen;
>+			wszDrive[0] = lpszDisplayName[0];
>+			pszDriveSymlink = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszDrive);
>+			cLen = strlen(pszDriveSymlink);
>+			if (pszDriveSymlink[cLen-1]=='/') pszDriveSymlink[cLen-1]='\0';
>+			cLen = readlink(pszDriveSymlink, szUnixFileName, MAX_PATH);
>+			if (cLen < 0) {
>+				ERR("%s readlink failed!\n", pszDriveSymlink);
>+				return E_FAIL;
>+			}
>+			MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szUnixFileName, cLen, szElement, MAX_PATH);
>+			lstrcpynW(szElement+cLen, lpszDisplayName+2, MAX_PATH-cLen);
>+			szNext = szElement;
>+			pidlTemp = _ILCreateGuid(PT_GUID, &CLSID_UnixFolder);
>+		} else {
>+	        szNext = GetNextElementW (lpszDisplayName, szElement, MAX_PATH);
>+    	    /* make drive letter uppercase to enable PIDL comparison */
>+        	szElement[0] = toupper(szElement[0]);
>+	        pidlTemp = _ILCreateDrive (szElement);
>+		}
>     }
>     if (szNext && *szNext)
>@@ -269,17 +316,22 @@ static BOOL CreateMyCompEnumList(IEnumID
>     /* enumerate the folders */
>     if (dwFlags & SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
>     {
>-        WCHAR wszDriveName[] = {'A', ':', '\\', '\0'};
>-        DWORD dwDrivemap = GetLogicalDrives();
>         HKEY hkey;
>-        while (ret && wszDriveName[0]<='Z')
>-        {
>-            if(dwDrivemap & 0x00000001L)
>-                ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateDrive(wszDriveName));
>-            wszDriveName[0]++;
>-            dwDrivemap = dwDrivemap >> 1;
>-        }
>+		if (show_unix_filesystem()) {
>+			ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateGuid(PT_GUID, &CLSID_UnixFolder));
>+		} else {
>+			WCHAR wszDriveName[] = {'A', ':', '\\', '\0'};
>+	        DWORD dwDrivemap = GetLogicalDrives();
>+			while (ret && wszDriveName[0]<='Z')
>+    	    {
>+        	    if(dwDrivemap & 0x00000001L)
>+            	    ret = AddToEnumList(list, _ILCreateDrive(wszDriveName));
>+	            wszDriveName[0]++;
>+    	        dwDrivemap = dwDrivemap >> 1;
>+	        }
>+		}
>         TRACE("-- (%p)-> enumerate (mycomputer shell extensions)\n",list);
>         if (ret && !RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, MyComputer_NameSpaceW,
>@@ -670,7 +722,10 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ISF_MyComputer_fnG
>     if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
>     {
>         strRet->uType = STRRET_CSTR;
>-        lstrcpynA (strRet->u.cStr, szPath, MAX_PATH);
>+		if (show_unix_filesystem() && szPath[0]=='/' && GET_SHGDN_FOR(dwFlags) == SHGDN_FORPARSING) 
>+			GetFullPathNameA(szPath, MAX_PATH, strRet->u.cStr, NULL);
>+		else
>+        	lstrcpynA (strRet->u.cStr, szPath, MAX_PATH);
>     }
>     TRACE ("-- (%p)->(%s)\n", This, szPath);
>Index: dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.13
>diff -u -p -r1.13 shfldr_unixfs.c
>--- dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c	12 May 2005 09:56:04 -0000	1.13
>+++ dlls/shell32/shfldr_unixfs.c	12 May 2005 11:29:42 -0000
>@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI UnixFolder_IShellF
> {
>     UnixFolder *This = ADJUST_THIS(UnixFolder, IShellFolder2, iface);
>     int cPathLen;
>-    char *pszAnsiPath;
>+    char *pszAnsiPath, *pBackslash;
>     BOOL result;
>     TRACE("(iface=%p, hwndOwner=%p, pbcReserved=%p, lpszDisplayName=%s, pchEaten=%p, ppidl=%p, "
>@@ -578,18 +578,21 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI UnixFolder_IShellF
>     pszAnsiPath = (char*)SHAlloc(cPathLen+1);
>     WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpszDisplayName, -1, pszAnsiPath, cPathLen+1, NULL, NULL);
>+    for (pBackslash = strchr(pszAnsiPath, '\\'); pBackslash; pBackslash = strchr(pBackslash, '\\'))
>+        *pBackslash = '/';
>     result = UNIXFS_path_to_pidl(This->m_pszPath, pszAnsiPath, ppidl);
>-    if (result && pdwAttributes)
>+    if (result && pdwAttributes && *pdwAttributes)
>     {
>-	/* need to traverse to the last element for the attribute */
>-	LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, last_pidl;
>-	pidl = last_pidl = *ppidl;
>-	while(pidl && pidl->mkid.cb)
>-	{
>-	    last_pidl = pidl;
>-	    pidl = ILGetNext(pidl);
>-	}
>-	SHELL32_GetItemAttributes((IShellFolder*)iface, last_pidl, pdwAttributes);
>+        /* need to traverse to the last element for the attribute */
>+        LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, last_pidl;
>+        pidl = last_pidl = *ppidl;
>+        while(pidl && pidl->mkid.cb)
>+        {
>+            last_pidl = pidl;
>+            pidl = ILGetNext(pidl);
>+        }
>+        SHELL32_GetItemAttributes((IShellFolder*)iface, last_pidl, pdwAttributes);
>     }
>     SHFree(pszAnsiPath);

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