WineProbe part II; Propaganda for Wine

Dan Kegel daniel.r.kegel at
Fri Nov 4 09:26:42 CST 2005

On 11/4/05, David Gümbel <david.guembel at> wrote:
> .. we're arranging an informational event next week on
> thursday afternoon in Stuttgart. We'll present Wine and its capabilities
> for migrating and porting applications to Unix. Details are available
> online (in German) ...
> ...

Very cool!  Let us know how the party goes :-)

(Incidentally, I'm starting to focus on making sure Wine works
for the specialized apps that businesses
and governments need.  Since they're usually unobtainable,
I'm testing freely available demos of Visual Basic apps like ChurchWindows
as a first approximation.  You can see the list of apps I'd like
to test at
If you have customers that absolutely need a particular
app to run on Wine, please let me know so I can add it to the list.

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