A small bounty for fixing a bug

Willie Sippel willie at zeitgeistmedia.net
Thu Nov 10 12:33:35 CST 2005

Am Donnerstag, 10. November 2005 17:34 schrieb Andreas Mohr:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 11:12:03PM +0100, Willie Sippel wrote:
> > I'm sorry if a request like that is not allowed/ wanted, I couldn't find
> > any info regarding bounties on bugfixes.
> No, I'd say if anything, then the OSS area should see *more* bounties,
> certainly not less! (I cannot even remember the last Wine bug bounty...)
> Thank you for your contribution towards improving the Open Source
> ecosystem!
I'm glad you see it that way - yes, I think bounties may help, but I'm also 
afraid bouties (not donations) may become problematic once developers expect 
them. Any bug fixed, even for rare applications, should improve Wine as a 
whole IMHO.

That specific bug bugs me :-) since Mirage got released, it would work 
perfectly for my needs once this issue gets fixed. The main problem seems to 
be that only two applications show this behaviour (Mirage and DAZ|Studio), 
and a workaround exists for one of them (DAZ|Studio, set WINVER to win98 - 
plus it's unusable anyway, due to the window management/ OpenGL problem). 
OTOH, if it really needs the DIB engine to work (I doubt it, but I'm not 
sure), 100 EUR (about $ 110) are definitely not enough, but I can't afford to 
spend more, given that I don't expect to earn money with Mirage on Wine - 
whatever, the DIB engine is needed anyway in the future...


Willie Sippel

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