Regression: Winrar fails to start

Robert Shearman rob at
Thu Nov 10 15:59:02 CST 2005

wino at wrote:

> It seems to be that WinRAR crashes after calling:
> ImageList_Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR32|ILC_MASK,256,2048)
> to create the list of icons for ListView control. Wine translates
> this ImageList_Create to CreateBitmapIndirect 36864x16 and then
> cannot handle 36864 parameter. If it is true, I think, it should be
> fixed in Wine. I cannot find any errors in WinRAR ImageList_Create call.

Wine isn't really doing anything wrong, so there is nothing to be fixed. 
However, it seems that image lists have a feature of somwhat-lazy 
initialisation - they can an initial image count and a max image count. 
It seems we could use this feature to only allocate the initial image 
count on creation and allocate up to the maximum if needed when more 
than the initial images are added.

Rob Shearman

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