uxtheme requiring shlwapi

Aric Stewart aric at codeweavers.com
Thu Sep 1 08:59:26 CDT 2005

Thanks for the great work on this! It is really cool, however I am 
having a dependency problem that would be great to resolve.
uxtheme currently links in shlwapi.dll, shlwapi.dll in turn links in 
ole32.dll. Since WM_NCCREATE seems to load uxtheme it would be that 
ole32 is being loaded almost all the time now.

This is an issue because when we here at CodeWeavers  try to install 
dcom95.exe we need to set ole32=native (ie, disabled) so that dcom95 
does not detect the builtin version. However because uxtheme is now 
being loaded with MessageBoxA, the install fails because it is unable to 
load ole32, thus shlwapi and thus uxtheme.

Looking at uxtheme it seems like there are only 3 functions being used 
out of shlwapi.

StrChrW: this is also located in comctl32.dll, while i hate to add 
comctl32.dll as a dependency to swap out shlwapi, it does solve the 
current problem, also a quick reimplementation of StrChrW as a helper 
function would remove this problem totally.

SHRegGetPathW and PathAddBackslashW: These are really convenient 
functions but should not be hard to make little helper functions to 
replace the dependency.

Any chance these changes could be made?
Thanks alot,

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