[bug824] update

Randy Galbraith randy.galbraith at cox.net
Mon Sep 26 19:54:13 CDT 2005

Dan Kegel wrote:

>Vijay wrote:
>>Any comments on why this patch has not been commited
>Probably because it does not include a conformance test.
>If you like, you could help by turning
>into an unattended conformance test by following
>the example in
>- Dan
My approach to fixing bug 824 was considered sub-optimal by Alexandre.  
I also agree and had intended to get back to this with a better 
solution.  Alexandre wants to maintain to the extent possible textual 
representation of registry data.  I now believe the right approach is to 
simply always explicitly record ascii zeros as '\0' and consistently not 
consider the end-of-string null terminator as part of the registry 
data.  Alas, I've had no time to test out this approach.

-Randy Galbraith

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