Coverity doing scans of Wine codebase!

Kai Blin blin at
Thu Apr 6 01:32:17 CDT 2006

* Dan Kegel <dank at> [05/04/06, 22:49:13]:
> See
> They say they've found 830 potential bugs - that's quite a few.
> I haven't seen 'em yet, still waiting for my registration to come through.

>From the coverity post on the samba-technical list I gather that they'd
prefer if only core developer signed up. I'm not sure if they changed
their stance. If they didn't, do you think it'd be possible to get an
overview? If every wine dev can sign up, we can of course sign up


Kai Blin, (blin at gmx dot net)
Tallulah Bankhead barged down the Nile last night as Cleopatra and sank.
		-- John Mason Brown, drama critic

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