segfaults with last selection repaint patch in riched20

Phil Krylov phil at
Fri Aug 11 02:53:27 CDT 2006

Hi Krzysztof,

On 11/08/06, Krzysztof Foltman <wdev at> wrote:
> What are the circumstances? Is it after some delete/insert operation, or
> just after document load?

Well I have not traced the whole sequence of calls to richedit, but
from the display I can suppose the following. I am doing a search
operation on some files. When the app finds a match, it fills the
richedit with some text including the match, and changes the match's
color (supposedly selects the match and calls setcharformat). It works
OK. After that I push "Find next" button. After finding another match
the app updates richedit text with the new context of the match and
(not changed the match's color yet) segfaults.

> I'd do an assert(pLastSelStartPara->member.para.nCharOfs <=
> pLastSelEndPara->member.para.nCharOfs) or something. That could possibly
> shed some light on the issue.
When it crashes and falls out to GDB, nCharOfs of the first para is
10, and nCharOfs of the last para is 3.

> This git thing is a piece of unreliable unintuitive crap.
For sure CVS was simpler, but GIT also has some advantages... I
haven't had any problems requiring to git-clone yet, but I still have
to hold the GitWine wiki page open in my browser ;)

-- Ph.

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