ddraw: direct3d.c variable-names request

Andrew Talbot Andrew.Talbot at talbotville.com
Tue Aug 15 16:07:04 CDT 2006

H. Verbeet wrote:

> I assume you're talking about direct3d.c in ddraw then.

Sorry, yes.

> The second 
> parameter is the "device description" for the enumerated device. The
> first device is the reference device, the second one is our wined3d
> implementation.

In which case, would you be happy with the suggested names on the lines
marked Var 1 and Var 2 below?

IDirect3DImpl_3_EnumDevices(IDirect3D3 *iface,
                            LPD3DENUMDEVICESCALLBACK Callback,
                            void *Context)
    ICOM_THIS_FROM(IDirectDrawImpl, IDirect3D3, iface);
    D3DDEVICEDESC dref, d1, d2;
    D3DDEVICEDESC7 newDesc;
    static CHAR wined3d_and_opengl[] = "Wine D3DDevice using WineD3D and OpenGL"; /*** [Var 1] ***/
    HRESULT hr;

    /* [...] */

    if(This->d3dversion != 1)
        static CHAR reference_direct3d_id[] = "Reference Direct3D ID";            /*** [Var 2] ***/

        /* [...] */
        hr = Callback( (LPIID) &IID_IDirect3DRefDevice, reference_direct3d_id, device_name, &d1, &d2, Context);
        /* [...] */

    /* [...] */
    hr = Callback( (LPIID) &IID_D3DDEVICE_WineD3D, wined3d_and_opengl, device_name, &d1, &d2, Context);
    /* [...] */

    return D3D_OK;


-- Andy.

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