mscms: check an appropriate registry key.

James Hawkins truiken at
Wed Jan 18 13:32:26 CST 2006

On 1/18/06, Saulius Krasuckas <saulius2 at> wrote:
> +
> +    hkIcmKey = reg_open_mscms_key();
> +    if (!hkIcmKey)
> +    {
> +        trace("Key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows*\\CurrentVersion\\ICM\\RegisteredProfiles' not found\n" );
> +        return;
> +    }

We shoul fail silently here.  If the key isn't found, just return.

> +
> +        ok( dwType == REG_SZ, "RegEnumValueA() returned unexpected value type (%ld)\n", dwType );
> +        if (dwType != REG_SZ) break;
> +        trace(" found '%s' value containing '%s' (%d chars)\n", szName, szData, strlen(szData));
> +    }
> +

Why do you need to output this information?  If you're expecting
certain values, do an 'ok' on them.  On a successful run of the tests,
the only output should be the number of tests that were fun, and that
all of them succeeded, or if any failed, output the tests that failed.

James Hawkins

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