Win64 patch 1/5 (configure)

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Mon Jul 3 07:15:41 CDT 2006

"Ge van Geldorp" <ge at> writes:

> The standard load address for 64-bit PE executables is the same as for
> 32-bit, 0x400000. This is also the standard load address for 64-bit ELF
> executables. If the Wine loader is not relocated, it won't be able to load
> the majority of PE executables. Ofcourse, there's no problem with 64-bit
> Winelib executables.
> As to the more appropriate address, I'm not sure. I just wanted to get it
> out of the way. I suppose it could be moved to somewhere around or above
> 0x7bf0000000000000.

The appropriate address needs to be determined from the standard Win64
address space layout. I don't have a Win64 box to check what this
looks like though.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at

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