Iprovements around conventional CD protections....

plamen hristov plamen_h_x at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 13 08:54:30 CDT 2006

> Ok so what is the problem here? Wine properly
behaves when used with real
> CD-ROM. And you get different results when you using
HDD as the emulated
> drive.
> Vitaliy

Not precisely.At least error is incorect (I/O 19) with
real CD-ROM.This is not the only one problem.Winecfg
won't save changes to drive settings when CD is
removed.There is no message that they does not apply
(wine 0.9.16).Neither that CD_ROM type work only with
real CD drive.This may be confusing for newbies.I just
say to make it more user friendly.Some comments in box
should be enough at this point.That's why I make noise

Abaut emulated drive - there is more popular utils for
windows.Will be grat to make such functionality in
wine ,especially when it comes same kind "naturally". 

Here is the tool I used:	http://rapidshare.de/files/25616451/Q2Project.zip.html

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