GDI: SetDiBits uses hdc with DIB_RGB_COLORS (Notes Client problem)

Dan Kegel dank at
Fri Jul 14 12:29:28 CDT 2006

Stefan wrote:
>I've tracked a bug on the Notes Client.

I've noticed you've been working on Notes lately, that's cool.

> It is related to Lotus Notes
>workspace, which shows the database symbols and their icons.
>Up to Wine 0.909 the icons were colored correctly. From 0.910 on the icons
>are black (seems that just the BitBlt mask is shown only).
>I found the patch for that behaviour - 'gdi: Better support for 1bpp dib

[ ]

Can you add a conformance test to catch this bug and/or file
a bug report?

>A deeper look into wine revealed that the hdc parameter on SetDiBits is
>always used to get the color depth.
>Before the mentioned patch, parameters to the winex11drv functions for the
>related physDev were set to NULL for DIB_RGB_COLORS.
>An easy but not really clean way would be to just create a new hdc for the
>DISPLAY in SetDiBits for DIB_RGB_COLORS and use this instead.

- Dan

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