Shell integration idea

Ulrich Czekalla ulrich.czekalla at
Fri Jun 2 10:21:33 CDT 2006

I think the general approach is good.

The way you handle the built in implementation seems odd to me. I think
setting the registry key to make the version as the default
would be good enough.

I'm not convinced we need IWineShellIntegration. I think it would be
cleaner to directly create an IWineTrash object.


On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 10:12:12PM +0200, Miko??aj Zalewski wrote:
>   As a SoC project I'll try to improve the integration of wine with the 
> Unix shells. My first step will be to implement the 
> Trash. I've written some code that doesn't add any new features but 
> shows how I want to add it. I'd like to know if this is a good design?
>  The main idea is not to hard-code one implementation of things like 
> the Trash into shell32 - not everything is standardized by the 
> freedesktop and even if it would this might not work on other systems 
> like MacOS X. We should allow for many implementations. The correct one 
> is loaded depending on a registry settings (so that a winecfg entry can 
> be added). My implementation uses COM objects as it's standard dlls 
> provides support for such tasks. Currently there is one interface 
> (IWineShellIntegration) that acts as a factory for specialized objects. 
> That could also be implemented using COM Aggregation - when we do that 
> we could use QueryInterface instead of GetIntegrationObejct.
>  Some COM objects can run in the address space of the calling process - 
> e.g. the trash can be implemented like that. For others it would be a 
> waist of resources (e.g. there is no need for every process to watch is 
> the file associations have changed) - it's enough to load them only 
> once. The explorer seems to be a good candidate to create such objects.
>  In the attached patch there is one specialized interface - the 
> IWineTrash. The SHELL_DeleteFile[AW] is patched to use it - it shows a 
> different icon if the file can be trashed (these are not the correct 
> icons as wine's shell32 uses a message box instead of a special dialog) 
> and calls the trash method then. Currently there is only one built-in 
> trash that can't trash anything. (note that SHELL_DeleteFile is called 
> in the folders that are decendents of My Computer. If choose delete on a 
> file that is a decendent of the '/', it will be deleted without a warning).
> Mikolaj Zalewski


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