Icmp* functions in iphlpapi.dll

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at codeweavers.com
Sat Jun 10 23:41:44 CDT 2006

"Simon Kissane" <skissane at gmail.com> wrote:

> In Win2000, the ICMP functions exist in icmp.dll
> In WinXP, they are still there, but they have also been duplicated
> into iphlpapi.dll
> How would one go about adding them to iphlpapi? Does one just
> duplicate all the code in the second DLL, or is there a way to have
> some function implemented once & then exported by multiple DLLs? (I'm
> a Wine newbie...)

Actually that's not a Wine but a win32 concept about forwarding. For instance
have a look how dlls/security forwards its entry points to secur32.dll.


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