secur32: Implement QueryContextAttributes. Add tests. cbMaxToken is 1904 not 2010.

Joris Huizer jorishuizer at
Thu Jun 15 17:07:51 CDT 2006

Kai Blin wrote:

>>+        case SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES:
>>+            {
>>+                PSecPkgContext_Sizes spcs =
>>+                    SECUR32_ALLOC(sizeof(SecPkgContext_Sizes));
>>+                spcs->cbMaxToken = NTLM_MAX_BUF;
>>+                spcs->cbMaxSignature = 16;
>>+                spcs->cbBlockSize = 1;
>>+                spcs->cbSecurityTrailer = 16;
>>+                pBuffer = spcs;
>>+                return SEC_E_OK;
>>+            }
> This doesn't seem to set pBuffer to spcs. What did I miss here?  

Maybe that should be *pBuffer? just guessing though

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