Win64 status

Filip Navara xnavara at
Wed Jun 21 05:39:09 CDT 2006

Hello guys,

I'm about to jump in the middle of discussion. The problem is not only
with the calling convention, but with the whole ABI rather. I've had
GCC patched to use the MSVC x64 calling convention (without a switch
though) for about a year now, but it doesn't solve the problem. There
is much more ABI differences including the exception handling (and yes,
I mean exception handling in C, not only C++) where MSVC generates special
unwinding information for the functions. I'm not sure if it would be
even possible to mix the ABI this way, but I'm open to hear some suggestions.


P.S. I'll try to publish the .diffs for GCC/binutils somewhere, but it's
really not of much use.

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