GDI32: freetype.c add more font selecting&linking mechanism support.

Byeong-Sik Jeon wjsqudtlr at
Tue Mar 7 05:22:36 CST 2006

2006-03-07 (화), 10:45 +0000, Huw D M Davies 쓰시길:
> As Mike has said the patch is too long to review properly, so please
> break it down into much smaller pieces.
Yes. now working...

> > and, I add some basic registry value. "Tahoma", "Gulim", "MS UI Gothic",
> > "Simsun", "PMingLiU".
> One thing that caught my eye was that these strings are locale
> dependent rather like the bitmap font strings (see update_font_info).
Yes. that is just thing like example, I will remove that.

but, tahoma is important. "Tahoma" is linked at the "System" and,
many resource files use "MS Shell Dlg", and font substitutes "MS Shell
Dlg"="Tahoma". therefore, if font(gulim.ttc, msgothic.ttc, ...) is
exist, then we(CJK users) can see our latter at first start. 

just only "tahoma"...
[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontLink\\SystemLink] 
"Tahoma"=str(7):"Gulim.ttc,Gulim\0MsGothic.ttc,MS UI Gothic

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