winequartz.drv: Add mouse events handling and stub window creation support. (take2)

Steven Edwards winehacker at
Tue Nov 21 01:28:16 CST 2006

On 11/20/06, Jaap Stolk <jwstolk at> wrote:
> it seems to be "official" :-)
> This is in section of the ANSI C 1989 standard. Section
> of the ISO C 1999 standard (and probably also the ISO C 1990
> standard).

Thanks I found it.

Each instance of a backslash character (\) immediately
followed by a new-line character is deleted,  splicing
physical  source  lines  to form logical source lines.
Only the last backslash on any  physical  source  line
shall  be eligible for being part of such a splice.  A
source file that is not empty shall end in a  new-line
character,  which shall not be immediately preceded by
a backslash character before any such  splicing  takes

Steven Edwards

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and
that is an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

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