Extra info on d3dsurface crash

Robert Lunnon bobl at optushome.com.au
Sat Oct 21 20:12:43 CDT 2006

On Friday 20 October 2006 05:52, Stefan Dösinger wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 19 Oktober 2006 02:46 schrieb Robert Lunnon:
> > I'm  still trying to work this out, see below, but I have a silly
> > question, how *should* IWineGDISurfaceImpl_Blt  behave if args 2 & 3 are
> > NULL IE DestRect and SrcSurface are both NULL. Is this a no-op ?
> No, look at the DDBLTFX structure and the dwFlags parameter.
> IDirectDrawSurface7::Blt knows a few source-less blts, like colorfill.
> One of the last remaining ddraw docs on the msdn:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/ddraw7/dir
> About the other things, I have to look at them. But it seems that there are
> DXTN surfaces(compressed textures) involved, and 2D operation on compressed
> textures are implemented in a very basic fashion only, and likely to
> produce problems.

More information, yes you are right.. Delving on further shows the malloc 
failures are handled by the signal handler (Never liked this design) but 
eventually fails in a colourfill operation around line 450 in gdi_surface.c 
(below) which I have instrumented 

      case 3:
            BYTE *d = (BYTE *) buf;
            for (x = 0; x < width; x++,d+=3)
                ERR("Filling %lx with %x - 3 Bytes\n",d,color);
                d[0] = (color    ) & 0xFF;
                d[1] = (color>> 8) & 0xFF;
                d[2] = (color>>16) & 0xFF;

The debugger tells me i get a segv here which the signal handler fixes up - 
restarts the instruction which faults again in an infinite loop

err:d3d_surface:_Blt_ColorFill ColorFill 7d6c0000 794 550 3 2384 0
err:d3d_surface:_Blt_ColorFill Filling 7d6c0000 with 0 - 3 Bytes
mdb: stop on SIGSEGV
mdb: target stopped at:
wined3d.dll.so`_Blt_ColorFill+0x15b:    movb   %al,(%edx)
> ::cont
err:seh:segv_handler Got trap 14 (2) accessing Address 7d6c0000
mdb: stop on SIGSEGV
mdb: target stopped at:
wined3d.dll.so`_Blt_ColorFill+0x15b:    movb   %al,(%edx)
> ::cont
err:seh:segv_handler Got trap 14 (2) accessing Address 7d6c0000
mdb: stop on SIGSEGV
mdb: target stopped at:
wined3d.dll.so`_Blt_ColorFill+0x15b:    movb   %al,(%edx)

This fails writing to d, which ends up fixed up in the signal handler, gets 
restarted then faults again with a segv PAGE Fault (IE Trap 14)  
    TRAP_x86_PAGEFLT    = 14,  /* Page fault */

From here on the application continually fails with a page fault which is then 
restarted which results in an infinite loop.

To me this smells like a signalling problem, if we get a PAGE FAULT should 
this not be passed on to the OS so the page can be brought into core ?


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