RPC questions

Robert Shearman rob at codeweavers.com
Wed Aug 1 08:29:50 CDT 2007

Kai Blin wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I will be getting into working on RPC soonish, and some of that I'd like to 
> use for Wine. However, I don't know my way around that code so far, what 
> would be a good starting point to tackle this?
> My goal is to set up a daemon that will take care of remote named pipes over 
> smb and all of that stuff, while all that Wine needs to do is to access this 
> daemon talking DCE-RPC. As we probably don't need to link anything, we will 
> be able to use that daemon for other jobs, like doing netapi32 calls, etc.
> Where would I get started for this?

The code for RPC transports (like SMB and TCP) is in 
dlls/rpcrt4/rpc_transport.c. It should be fairly easy to plug in an 
SMB-only transport for testing purposes by reimplementing the existing 
named pipe functions in that file, but switching between the two 
depending on whether the network address is local or remote is more 

Rob Shearman

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