[PATCH] Support for animated cursors

Juan Lang juan.lang at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 18:50:07 CDT 2007

--- a/dlls/imm32/imm.c
+++ b/dlls/imm32/imm.c
@@ -1505,7 +1505,8 @@ BOOL WINAPI ImmRegisterWordW(
 BOOL WINAPI ImmReleaseContext(HWND hWnd, HIMC hIMC)
-  FIXME("(%p, %p): stub\n", hWnd, hIMC);
+    if (hIMC == (HIMC)root_context)
+        root_context->IMC.hWnd = NULL;

This doesn't belong with this patch.

>  if you pop into the wine/dlls/user32 dir and do a grep 0x00030000
> * you'll see I'm not the first to follow the documentation.

Fair enough, objection withdrawn.

One more random piece of advice:  this has gotten enough commentary
that it may very well have entered Alexandre's "ignore for a while"
queue.  So if you don't have success with this, wait some time, and
try again.


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