Clear padding in the buffer due to alignment.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Sun Dec 16 06:27:03 CST 2007

"Robert Shearman" <rob at> wrote:

>> Is it possible to make it 64-bit and Wine/Windows compatible by using
>> ULONG_PTR instead of long?
> At the moment, widl doesn't support generating 64-bit compatible client, 
> server and proxy code so doing so would be useless. FWIW, MIDL outputs 
> __int64 here instead of long when targeting 64-bit.

If it doesn't take too much effort to write a 64-bit clean code, why avoid
that, especially all that's required is using an appropriate cast?

> Getting support for the Microsoft 64-bit calling convention into 
> upstream gcc is the most important requirement for a 64-bit Wine.

That's a completely different problem, but we still should be able to build
a working 64-bit Wine without binary win64 support.


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