mapi32: Resolve FIXME regarding attachment lists in MAPISendMail function

Hans Leidekker hans at
Sat Dec 22 03:21:38 CST 2007

On Friday 21 December 2007 22:54:35 Mark Neyhart wrote:

> Can you refer me to examples of command line parameter parsing which I could
> use in winebrowser?

Many apps under programs/ do command line parsing. Look at winepath for
example, which handles both long and short options.

> Are you referring to registry key [Software\\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command]
> as the preferred mail client?


> Should I replace the ShellExecuteA call with CreateProcessA only when I have
> attachments or in all cases?

ShellExecute does elaborate argument expansion that you don't want to
duplicate so it's probably best to just make an exception when there
are attachments and winebrowser is the preferred client.


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