DIB Engine, some summarization

Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at gmx.at
Mon Feb 12 14:10:45 CST 2007

Am Montag 12 Februar 2007 19:54 schrieb Daniel Remenak:
> On 2/11/07, Damjan Jovanovic <damjan.jov at gmail.com> wrote:
> > What about the case where you draw with GDI, then render with OpenGL
> > on top of that, then draw on top of that with GDI, then swap buffers?
> > If you draw only client-side, you have to copy to the server, then
> > copy back, then copy to the server *again*. You have to upload or
> > download the image *every time* you go between OpenGL and GDI drawing,
> > whereas when you draw with X11, there is no uploads/downloads unless
> > you use DIB sections and draw directly.
> Not that it's relevant to this conversation (since wine needs to
> support legacy apps), but just so you know, even Microsoft no longer
> supports this sample scenario.  Drawing with GDI over OpenGL (or DX),
> and reading from the GDI buffer on a hardware-accelerated window, are
> both undefined (officially "not supported") operations on Windows
> Vista.  Caused a ton of problems for my company's product.
So IDirect3DSurface9::GetDC does not work any longer? (Or 

/me parties!
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