wininet: Constify a formal parameter of CommitURLCacheEntry{A|W}() (Resend)

James Hawkins truiken at
Mon Feb 26 17:27:30 CST 2007

On 2/26/07, Andrew Talbot <Andrew.Talbot at> wrote:
> James Hawkins wrote:
> > On 2/26/07, Andrew Talbot <Andrew.Talbot at> wrote:
> >> What is wrong with this patch, please?
> >>
> >
> > This isn't how it's defined in the SDK headers.
> >
> Am I right in thinking that for non-embedded-CE versions of Windows the
> lpHeaderInfo variable of CommitURLCacheEntry() is now a LPCTSTR? In which
> case, I presume that the comment about the ascii version requiring a LPBYTE
> is now wrong: the "A" version should now have a LPCSTR and the "W" version,

// Temporary state of affairs until we reconcile our apis.

// Why are we doing this? HeaderInfo _should_ be string data.
// However, one group is passing binary data instead. For the
// unicode api, we've decided to disallow this, but this
// brings up an inconsistency between the u and a apis, which
// is undesirable.

// For Beta 1, we'll go with this behaviour, but in future releases
// we want to make these apis consistent.

    __in LPCSTR lpszUrlName,
    __in_opt LPCSTR lpszLocalFileName,
    __in FILETIME ExpireTime,
    __in FILETIME LastModifiedTime,
    __in DWORD CacheEntryType,
    __in_ecount_opt(dwHeaderSize) LPBYTE lpHeaderInfo,
    __in_opt DWORD dwHeaderSize,
    __reserved LPCSTR lpszFileExtension,
    __in_opt LPCSTR lpszOriginalUrl

    __in LPCWSTR lpszUrlName,
    __in_opt LPCWSTR lpszLocalFileName,
    __in FILETIME ExpireTime,
    __in FILETIME LastModifiedTime,
    __in DWORD CacheEntryType,
    __in_ecount_opt(dwHeaders) LPWSTR lpszHeaderInfo,
    __in DWORD dwHeaders,
    __reserved LPCWSTR lpszFileExtension,
    __in_opt LPCWSTR lpszOriginalUrl

#ifdef UNICODE
#define CommitUrlCacheEntry CommitUrlCacheEntryW
#define CommitUrlCacheEntry CommitUrlCacheEntryA

    __in LPCSTR lpszUrlName,
    __in_opt LPCSTR lpszLocalFileName,
    __in FILETIME ExpireTime,
    __in FILETIME LastModifiedTime,
    __in DWORD CacheEntryType,
    __in_ecount_opt(dwHeaderSize) LPCSTR lpHeaderInfo,
    __in DWORD dwHeaderSize,
    __reserved LPCSTR lpszFileExtension,
    __in_opt LPCSTR lpszOriginalUrl
    __in LPCWSTR lpszUrlName,
    __in_opt LPCWSTR lpszLocalFileName,
    __in FILETIME ExpireTime,
    __in FILETIME LastModifiedTime,
    __in DWORD CacheEntryType,
    __in_ecount_opt(dwHeaderSize) LPCWSTR lpHeaderInfo,
    __in DWORD dwHeaderSize,
    __reserved LPCWSTR lpszFileExtension,
    __in_opt LPCWSTR lpszOriginalUrl
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CommitUrlCacheEntry  CommitUrlCacheEntryW
#define CommitUrlCacheEntry  CommitUrlCacheEntryA
#endif // !UNICODE

James Hawkins

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