RFC: OpenAL32.dll thunk -- demacroized

Nick Burns adger44 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 1 05:06:02 CST 2007

Here is my OpenAL32.dll thunk demacroized. Sorry this took so long -- 
finally got some time with the break.

This is basically the same patch as before -- supports the same 
functionality and all -- but no more cool macros (of doom)
(~500 lines -> ~1500 lines)

I have added as many extensions as I could find to this thunk.
(no idea on where these extensions are available)

I would like to fix up the extension handling at some point (basically it 
needs to be more like OpenGL)

I would like any comments on this patch
And would hopefully like to get it in wine

- Nick

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Url : http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/attachments/20070101/9b33a86f/winePatchDemacroizedOpenALThunk-0001.obj

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