tests/msi.c fails when run twice on Wine?

Paul Vriens paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 13:38:11 CDT 2007

James Hawkins wrote:
> On 7/30/07, Paul Vriens <paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Juan Lang wrote:
>>>> It's still strange though that it doesn't happen on your box (you are the only
>>>> one that came back, and of course Alexandre cause I guess he runs the tests
>>>> every time before he commits something).
>>> It also succeeds when running twice here.  (make install.ok hangs here, though.)
>>> --Juan
>> After a 'rm ~/.wine' ?
>> Could this be a compiler/platform issue (difference). If you run 'WINEDEBUG=+msi
>> make msi.ok' do you see garbage in the 'squished ...' output?
>> Apart from the fact it only fails for me (for now), I guess the patch I've just
>> sent makes sense anyhow.
> The garbage in the squished guid is not important...the regopen call
> will fail like it's supposed to because the squished guid doesn't
> match.
Yeah I guess so, but I didn't have garbage all the time (remember I wrote that 
it succeeded when running with WINEDEBUG=+msi). So if it was just returned as an 
empty string (or at least interpreted as such) a RegOpenKey would succeed on the 
parent of the GUID (Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products) which is most of the 
time there.



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