wined3d: Allow WINED3DFMT_R32F render targets

Chris Robinson chris.kcat at
Sun Oct 14 15:18:53 CDT 2007

On Sunday 14 October 2007 02:57:35 am H. Verbeet wrote:
> Unless the performance problems with R32F have been fixed, this will
> cause performance regressions in applications that actually try to use
> it. (C&C3 for example).

Thinking some more, it's also possible that wined3d's too lax in reporting 
32-bit float formats. GL's float extension requires both 32-bit and 16-bit 
formats (the half-float extension is only for uploading 16-bit float data) 
with all the blending effects. By contrast, D3D drivers may have supported 
16-bit floats first, and not reported 32-bit floats until the hardware was 
powerful enough.

Perhaps if 32-bit float formats aren't reported unless some other cap 
indicates newer hardware is present, it'll prevent apps from using 32-bit 
floats where it'd be a detriment to speed.

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