Reference information on CreateScalableFontResource

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Apr 9 23:24:34 CDT 2008

"Jeremy White" <jwhite at> wrote:

> The hard parts were that the .fot format seems to be an NE image, but
> it seems to have subtle bugs in it and that the FONTDIR resource structure
> is not well documented.  I've mostly sussed out how to use Freetype
> to replicate most of the members; there are still a few I don't have
> quite right.  (And I probably get this all wrong in non US or double
> byte locales.  :-/)
> The previous patches contain essentially all of my hard won knowledge
> of the FONTDIR structure.

FONTDIR and all related font structures are well described in Windows 3.1
DDK I used to have (and use) 15 years ago. I put some knowledge about it
when I was fixing after Huw tools/fnt2fon.c, that's a good piece of knowledge
about Windows .fon files.


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