[dinput] initial support for BSD's usbhid joysticks

Vitaliy Margolen wine-devel at kievinfo.com
Sun Apr 27 14:14:43 CDT 2008

Christoph Frick wrote:
> Add dinput support for BSD's usbhid joysticks
> +	if (have_joy_devs == 0) {
> +	    joy_devs = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(struct JoyDev));
> +	} else {
> +	    HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, joy_devs, (1 + have_joy_devs) * sizeof(struct JoyDev));
> +	}
> +	joy_devs[have_joy_devs++] = joydev;
> +
> +	hid_dispose_report_desc(rdesc);
> +	close(fd);
> +    }
> +}

This is ugly! Curly brackets should go on the separate line. And I asked no 
tabs please!

And again you copied all the code - I'm against this. All the duplicate code 
should go into the new joystick base class. No reason to rewrite code if it 
can be written right the first time around.


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