[NJS#80583] Re: ntdll: import dll from dir of referring dll if not found instandard locations

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at codeweavers.com
Tue Aug 5 02:38:14 CDT 2008

"Hongbo Ni" <hongbo at njstar.com> wrote:

> I have posted a another patch regarding to windows hook into another
> process. 
> http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-patches/2008-August/059069.html
> Basically it change LoadlibraryW to LoadlibraryExW with Alt-path.
> Could you please let me know what your comment and guide me in coding 
> such test case?
> Basically the test need to inject 2 dlls into another process (say Notepad) 
> using SetWindowsHookEx(), and have some way to know if the dlls are
> loaded by the target process.
> I can code the dll so it will send a message back to my test window to
> inform me that they are loaded into Notepad.
> For those 2 DLLS, I have already made it on windows, How and where
> can I add to wine test?
> Do I need submit the source and make file of those 2 dlls for maketest? 
> I am not sure how maketest create window DLL for auto-testing.

Due to some problems there is no way to create an ELF wrapped hook dll
using Wine tools. I'd suggest to create maximally stripped down test
which works under Windows, and post an url to it with your fix.


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