debugging applications Re: Networking problems with IDU Verwaltung software

Werner LEMBERG wl at
Sat Aug 9 08:56:08 CDT 2008

> You change the registry with: regedit (wine provide an own
> implementation)
> Patches are welcome.
> The source of the website is managed with git:
> (templates/en/*)

No time for doing that.  However, here's a patch which improves the
wording a bit I hope.



--- developer-cheatsheet.htm~	2008-08-09 15:51:58.000000000 +0200
+++ developer-cheatsheet.htm	2008-08-09 15:53:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -684,8 +684,10 @@
         calls between Wine DLLs: for instance, from GDI32 to
         KERNEL32. Investigate the RelayInclude and RelayExclude string
         values in [HKCU\Software\Wine\Debug] if you're being
-        overwhelmed by certain functions. A good initial value for
-        RelayExclude is:<p>
+        overwhelmed by certain functions. (&lsquo;HKCU&rsquo; stands
+        for the &lsquo;HKEY_CURRENT_USER&rsquo; tree in the Windows
+        registry; you can edit it with the command &lsquo;wine
+        regedit&rsquo;.) A good initial value for RelayExclude is:<p>
         <code> RtlEnterCriticalSection;RtlLeaveCriticalSection;_EnterSysLevel;_LeaveSysLevel;

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