wined3d/d3d9: Set the initial scissor rect to the window size

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at
Sat Aug 23 06:28:07 CDT 2008

2008/8/23 Rico Schüller <kgbricola at>:
> Here is the patch which checks the default scissorrect. I don't know if the
> resolutions are to big (1024x768). And I don't know if the stuff with the
> second swapchain (swapchain1) is correct. It produces this error in wine:
> "err:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_SetupFullscreenWindow (0x1e7370): Want to change
> the window parameters of HWND 0x20034, but another style is stored for
> restoration afterwards".
Devices like the Eee PC only support up to 800x480, but in that case
creating the device should simply fail, and skip the test, so in that
regard the test should be fine. The error that gets printed in
probably a flaw in our handling of multiple swapchains. As long as the
test doesn't fail because of it it's probably not a concern for now.
You should check the return values for CreateAdditionallSwapChain and
GetScissorRect though.

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