Google's support for Wine in 2007

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Feb 14 09:07:08 CST 2008

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Austin English <austinenglish at> wrote:
>  What's the status of getting the win16 tests into wine? 16 bit support
>  broke a while back for many apps and is still broken.

The sticking point is that most people don't have a 16 bit C
compiler installed.  The only good free one is Open Watcom.
Unfortunately, you still can't just do 'sudo apt-get install openwatcom'
on most distributions (see ),
and there were some hitches using the Linux version anyway, so
win16test provides a shell script that installs the Windows version
under Wine.  (See )
And that's kind of heavyweight, so we can't just jam it into the Wine
build system.

Potentially, though, the Wine build system could notice whether
openwatcom was available, and if so, it could build the win16 tests.

For now, they're kept out of tree in
and I encourage others to try them out and fix problems they find.
- Dan

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