user32: Check for .ico and .cur magic.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Mon Feb 18 02:55:42 CST 2008

"Andrew Riedi" <andrewriedi at> wrote:

> +#define ICON_DIB_SIZE 4264

It would be helpful to actually calculate the size instead of hardcoding
the magic value.

> +    handle = LoadImageA(NULL, "icon.ico", IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
> +    ok(handle != NULL, "LoadImage() failed.\n");
> +    error = GetLastError();
> +    ok(error == 0, "Last error: %u\n", error);
> +    
> +    /* Clean up. */
> +    ret = DestroyIcon(handle);

The fact that LoadImage has returned a not zero handle actually confirms
nothing, you need to verify the contents of the loaded image with GetIconInfo.


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