Do we need a forum?

Phil Krylov phil at
Tue Feb 19 16:33:38 CST 2008


On 19/02/2008, Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> Steven Edwards wrote:
> > My thoughts, as well as
> > Tom's was that by creating a "blessed" location, all third parties as
> > well as vendors that develop Wine related products could say "if you
> > want to discuss using a vendor provided Wine product in a
> > non-supported manner all are advised to go here and share information"
> Yes, of course, it would be nice if there were One True Place to go,
> but the closest we're ever going to get is essentially the status quo,
> where the wine-users mailing list is the place of record for user support,
> the appdb is the place of record for looking for tips for a particular app,
> and all the other areas are secondary.  We can improve slightly
> on this by linking to other popular wine forums as they pop up,
> emphasizing all the while that they are secondary.

I think that any existing place will eventually grow really popular if
it will be called "".

-- Ph.

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