GSoC project ideas

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Mon Feb 25 14:25:57 CST 2008

> * Implementing the ASIO audio infrastructure for Cubase
IIRC, we dropped it last year because of copyright in Steinberg license. 
Haven't heard it has changed.
> * Implement the MS Wsock dll (dlls/mswsock), an enhanced winsocket 
> implementation
still lots to do, basic tests and very low fruits have been done in GSoC 
two years ago. there were some showstoppers linked to wine internals 
(mainly in server) which have been fixed. should be ripe for a second 
turn, however, the project won't be simple
> * Valgrind and Wine integration (see: Wine_and_Valgrind)
the only interesting point would be to support MS debug info in 
valgrind, but I see it more as valgrind's gsoc rather than a wine's one

other idea:
- window less support in richedit: a couple of bugs are pending on this 
one (and incendally, lots of COM related code in richedit)


Eric Pouech
"The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete idiot." (Douglas Adams)

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