Thoughts on implementation of winhttp.dll

Rob Shearman robertshearman at
Wed Jul 2 16:56:51 CDT 2008

2008/7/1 Zac Brown <zac at>:
> I've been looking at implementing winhttp.dll.
> My current two ideas are to either:
> 1) Copy the networking sublayer from wininet into winhttp and build on top of
> that to implement winhttp. Effectively reimplementing mostly from scratch.
> 2) Implement most winhttp things in terms of wininet and then copying over parts
> that I need from wininet's network sublayer, like fetching SSL certificates and
> so on.

How about:
3) Copy the networking sublayer from wininet into winhttp and build on top of
 that to implement winhttp. Reimplement wininet on top of winhttp.

Rob Shearman

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