CUDA wrapper

Seth Shelnutt shelnutt2 at
Sun Jul 6 14:23:39 CDT 2008

As a continuation from the question on making the FAH GPU2 Nvidia client
run, we have gotten past the detecting the card as we changed Wine's generic
output to look like an Nvidia card thanks to a few of you. Now comes the
hard part. Even when using the cudart.dll file it does not work. We get an
cudastream error about it not being implemented. It then repeats these 5
lines until the client is stopped.

Reading file work/wudata_07.tpr, VERSION 3.1.4 (single precision)
Reading file work/wudata_07.tpr, VERSION 3.1.4 (single precision)
Reading sasa-enabled ir 0 0
Initializing Nvidia gpu library
cudaMalloc CUDAStream::Allocate failed feature is not yet implemented

Martijn Berger said here ( that all
that should need to be done is right a wrapper to translate the calls from
cudart.dll to I suppose the place to start would be to
download the SDK's and see how much documentation is available on both the
Linux and Windows calls.

-Seth Shelnutt
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