Valgrind error status on the eve of Wine 1.0

Dan Kegel dank at
Mon Jun 16 09:34:30 CDT 2008

I've added suppressions for gecko and a few other things,
added six more patches of my own and eight patches
from Hans, Jon Griffiths, Roy Shea, and Zac Brown.
As a result, the error count today (not counting memory leaks)
is down 33% from last week; we're down to 218 unique-ish
valgrind warnings when running the wine test suite!

If you've submitted a patch to fix a warning reported by
Valgrind, please check to make sure I've included it.

If you have a spare hour or two, please grab
one of the remaining errors and see if you can come up with a
good fix (i.e. one that doesn't just paper over a problem
without understanding it).   Once we're down to near zero
valgrind warnings, it'll be a lot easier for the average
wine developer to check their own patches with valgrind
before submission.

(Why am I ignoring memory leak warnings?  Because I
had to focus on something first.  Once I get those in
shape, I'll focus on memory leaks.)

Report showing unique nonleak errors:


Pending wine patches:

Suppression file:

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