d3dx9: Texturing functions

tony.wasserka at freenet.de tony.wasserka at freenet.de
Mon May 12 07:16:15 CDT 2008

> > So, the first thing I want to make sure is that we redirect the function calls correctly in order
> > to reduce double coding.
> > This means on the one hand that we should call the Extended versions of each function
> > from inside of the simpler ones (most default parameters for the Ex functions are
> > on MSDN) and on the other hand that we unify all D3DXCreateTextureFromXXEx
> > functions somehow. I don't know how Resources are stored internally, but I guess
> > the simplest would be to redirect all of them to D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory, i.e.
> > when D3DXCreateTextureFromFile is called we read the file into memory and call the
> > InMemory function. I hope this shouldn't be too hard to be applied to the resource function
> > either. Of course, this should also be done at the corresponding Surface, Volume and
> > cube texture functions.
> > Also, I haven't looked too much into it yet, but I guess we could go even a step further
> > and define the CreateTextuteFromXX calls like this:
> > 1. Redirect to the corresponding D3DXCreateXFromFileInMemoryEx call
> > 2. Call D3DXCheckXRequirements
> > 3. Call IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture
> > 4. Lock its surface
> > 5. Call LoadSurfaceFromFileEx with it
> > 
> > This would reduce most of our coding work on LoadSurfaceFromFileEx.
> > However, there are still plenty of formats supported by the texturing functions
> > and thus, plenty of work for us to do. IIRC we once came to the decision to
> > use libraries like libpng or so to reduce that work, too, so we'd just need
> > to implement formats like .dds.
> I can't remember what the differences are between the CreateTexture and
> LoadSurface functions, but this is what I'd do for the LoadSurface functions:
> LoadSurfaceFromMemory (read data with the specified pixel format)
>   LoadSurfaceFromFileInMemory (parse image format, read actual data into memory)
>     LoadSurfaceFromFile (open file, read contents into memory)
> 	LoadSurfaceFromResource (open resource, read contents into memory)
>   LoadSurfaceFromSurface (read image data from a surface)
> This would mean two huge chunks of code: One which parses image formats
> (LoadSurfaceFromFileInMemory), and one which handles all the resizing,
> conversion, filtering and stuff (LoadSurfaceFromMemory).

Sorry that I'm replying that late, I was a bit busy when you wrote the reply and then nearly forgot about it.
I'd agree with that design and I'll soon prepare a stub-layout for texture.c for after-code-freeze.
However, have you finished the D3DXCheckTextureRequirements code meanwhile so we can start
implementing the other functions?

Best regards,

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