Alternate shell?

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Thu May 22 23:37:38 CDT 2008

"Steven Edwards" <winehacker at> wrote:

> Again, I think you should look at explorer-new. Its pretty close to
> working, I think the StartMenu and friends work. It is designed for
> Windows XP, does the Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar, etc, is written in
> C, is LGPL and is written by a ReactOS developer that has not been
> blacklisted by Wine. I don't think it would be much trouble to merge
> the two. Except of course shell32 is where most of the explorer really
> lives and there is a lot of functionality missing in wine. Due to the
> ReactOS embargo, shell32 has started to fork quite a bit on the
> ReactOS side.

Since ros explorer uses an undocumented shell32.LogoffWindowsDialog as
reported in it should be
enough to blacklist its developer.


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