ws2_32: Add support for FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO to WSASocket()

Andrew Talbot Andrew.Talbot at
Mon May 26 05:08:21 CDT 2008

H. Verbeet wrote:

> The C standard explicitly allows the comma at the end of initializer
> lists, this would be a style issue at best.

Not to contradict that, but, FWIW, I believe that a comma at the end of an
enum list - specifically - is incorrect in ANSI C. The following code,
compiled with -pedantic, produces a warning for the enum, alone.

int main()
    enum days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, };
    char s[] = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0', };
    struct st_tag {int i; int j;} st = { 1, 2, };

    return 0;

compiled with "gcc [-ansi] -pedantic -o test test.c"
produces "test.c:3: warning: comma at end of enumerator list".

I believe this exception has been removed in C99.


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