Fix to exceptions in ddtest

James Hawkins truiken at
Sun Oct 12 23:39:44 CDT 2008

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Chris Ahrendt <celticht32 at> wrote:
> Ok I have threaded through ddraw_test adding as I had them  fail a check and
> a fix in dsurface.c test. The test now fails when the CreateSurface fails.
> Before this there were several point in the test where the return status was
> not checked. As I encountered them and they failed with an exception I added
> the failure I found at other parts which did the create surface. For some
> reason a 3rd and 4th surface fails on ATI.
> Addached you will find the proposed fix.
> I also found a point where  the code did not skip but did a goto to the
> error point  with the variables unitialised.

@@ -198,7 +198,10 @@ static void MipMapCreationTest(void)
    ddsd.dwHeight = 32;
    rc = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface(lpDD, &ddsd, &lpDDSMipMapTest, NULL);
    ok(rc==DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS,"CreateSurface returned: %x\n",rc);
+    if (FAILED(rc)) {
+       skip("failed to create surface\n");
+       return;
+      }

Can you see why this is wrong?  You've done this in a couple other places.

James Hawkins

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