setupapi tests question

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Oct 15 03:32:16 CDT 2008

"Reece Dunn" <msclrhd at> wrote:

> When building the setupapi tests with VC9 and the MSVC headers (Vista
> version) after using msvcmaker, I get the following output:
> 2>------ Build started: Project: setupapi_test, Configuration: Debug
> MSVC Headers Win32 ------
> 2>Linking...
> 2>misc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _MyFree
> referenced in function _test_SetupGetFileCompressionInfo
> 2>.\Output\Win32_Debug_MSVC_Headers/setupapi_test.exe : fatal error
> LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> Where does MyFree come from?

Looks like setupapi.lib from PSDK misses at least MyFree, MyMalloc and
MyRealloc setupapi.dll exports.

> Why does this work with a Wine/MinGW build and not VC9?

The answer is obvious I'd assume.


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