Parser for cmd language?

Dan Kegel dank at
Fri Dec 18 19:00:11 CST 2009

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> bison it is, then.

I'm thinking of having some ucla students do this, and it
occurred to me that using "ply" might be a good way to start.
ply is a nice lex/yacc implementation written in python that
sounds good for prototyping.  Once the grammer is far enough along,
it'd be pretty easy to switch to c.

Maybe I'll noodle around with ply and see if I can implement a
subset of cmd's language with it.  Here's a tiny toy start:

ply home page:
example of use of ply in compiler course:

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